Recipe came from a forumer, Hungrybear of Kitchen Capers but she has got her own blog here.
Pork Chop Piri Piri - Portuguese
(recipe is for 2.5kg chicken but I used pork chop instead and reduced the marinate accordingly)
2.5 kg chicken, cut into 10 or 12 pcs
** Make very deep cuts into individual pieces right to the bone.
2 BIG red bell pepper, seed removed, cut up roughly
12 chilli padi (I omit since I have young children eating)
8 clove garlic (depending on your taste)
4 tablespoon Vinegar
Pinch of salt
4 tablespoon Extra Virgin Oil
** Blend all together and pour into a big bowl.
** Rub paste well into chicken pieces and especially into the deep cuts.
- Cook chicken at room temperature.
- Pan smoking hot, add about 4 tablespoon of olive oil.
- When oil is heated through, skim off marinate, add chicken pieces into pan.
- Do not turn over for at least five minutes, giving the chicken a chance to brown.
- Turn half way through, when both sides are slightly brown, add in rest of the marinate.
- Sitr and mix thoroughly, cook on high heat. Do not stew the chicken.
- Scrap the pan occasionally to prevent the paste from burning too much.
- Three quarter way into pan frying, add 1 tablespoonful of white/brown sugar or honey, mix and stir well.
- Adjust seasoning when chicken is ready, off the fire and squeeze a lemon juice over the chicken, mix well and ready to serve.
- Serve with a green salad or plain white rice.
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