Bread is a staple food in my family and I'm falling in love with homemade bread. Decide to try out a new recipe but instead of surfing the net, I took out my breadmachine's recipe book and tried this Sweet Bread recipe.
Sweet Bread Recipe
(adapted from Bluesky Breadmachine Recipe)
230ml milk
2 tbsp butter/margarine
2 eggs
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp honey
4 tbsp sugar
520g bread flour
1 1/4 tsp yeast
- Mix all dry ingredients together. Add wet ingredients (except butter) and knead into dough. Add butter and knead till smooth and elastic.
- Gather dough to form a ball and cover dough with cling wrap and let it rest for abt 60 - 90 mins or double in size.
- Punch the dough to release some air, knead a few times, cover with cling wrap and proof for 2nd time till double in size.
- Divide the dough into small balls, roll smooth, cover and let them relax for 20 mins.
- Shape as required and let it proof on lined or greased baking tray for another 60 - 90 mins or until dough is double in size.
- Preheat the oven to 180C, brush the egg wash on top, bake for 20 - 25 mins.
Looks good!!!
What a coincident, I am also using Bluesky bread machine.
The shape of ur bread is so lovely, it looks like a mushroom. May I know how did u shape the dough?
I just shape into 4 small buns and placed them into a small round pan to proof. HTHs
Hi Breadhomemaker, thank you for the recipe, like the look of this bread looks soft and defo yummy. I just need some advice on a bread machine, which one do you use?? Is it good to have one?? not sure if I should buy it or if I buy one, which one would be a good quality bread maker.
Thank you, BTW I'm the fan on your pages.
Mei Mei
Hi Mei Mei,
Thanks for dropping by and hope to see more comments from you :)
I'm using Bluesky, a housebrand by Carrefour.
I'll very much prefer to hand knead (very therapeutic for me) but given my situation, the breadmachine works best for me now.
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