Thursday, October 14, 2010

Papaya Popsicles

I've asked this question before, "What do you do with overripe papayas?"  I've made papaya milkshake with them and now I've converted them into popsicles, inspiration came from my watermelon popsicles ;-)
I was trying to snap a picture of the popsicles but DD3 just couldn't wait any longer.
Quick and easy, yet very healthy treat for the family!
And if you are plain lazy like me, just freeze the whole cut papaya into the freezer ;-)
Papaya Popsicles
1/2 large papaya/paw paw chucks
1 lime juice (I find it quite mild, can use up to 2 limes if you want)

  1. Cut the papaya in chunks with skin and seeds removed.
  2. In a blender, combine the papaya chunks and lime juice. Blend the mixture till the mixture turns into liquid.
  3. Pour the mixture into popsicles mould and freeze for at least 8 hours or overnight.
  4. Run the molds under warm water for 30 seconds to release the pops. Enjoy!


WendyinKK said...

I think I'll love this!!!

j3ss kitch3n said...

perfectly cooling for the hot weather now!

Zoe said...

Papaya Popsicle! Will keep that in mind for the coming summer. Like your blog with lots of concise information. Very well organized too.

busygran said...

It's a great way to prevent wastage. Nowadays I freeze unfinished fruit and blended them into a drink or use them in baking.

Suhaina said...

thats a wonderful idea dear.

fuat gencal said...

Günaydın, ellerinize, emeğinize sağlık. Çok leziz ve iştah açıcı görünüyor.


Aunty Liew said...

Thank you for visited my blog.
This is the first time i read your's so interesting. You are so talent in baking and cooking! I love your papaya popsicles,it's a great idea,next time should try out this.

Sarah@Buttered Up said...

I love this already. Where did you get your popsicle maker? I've been looking for one in KL for a while. :)

Hearty Bakes said...

Those refreshing popsicles just right for our burning hot weather lately. Cool~

sherlyn said...

Oh ya hor .... maybe I can trick the kids into eating papaya. Thanks for the idea.

Meldylocks and Her Three Bears said...

What a great idea! OK,OK, I'll do this next time when I have papayas.

mr. pineapple man said...

yummy!!! you almost have 100 followers now :)

Unknown said...

Great! Papaya + lime sounds a good combination. Have not had it as a popsicle before.

Dimah said...

This looks really refreshing!

Anonymous said...

What a fun and healthy treat :), love that bright orange colour too.
*kisses* HH

Edith said...

I don't know for what reason, my kids aren't great fan of papaya. Perhaps I must try this method.

阿葉 said...
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Unknown said...


Love the papaya popsicles...They look so yumm...:)


Clare @ Mrs Multitasker said...

Such a clever idea! I like! I really should eat more orange fruit like papaya...

J. said...

Hi, my sil, a quiet blog-follower of yours who has tried many of your baking recipes, highly recommended your blog to me. She thinks you and I have common passion in life and our blog writing style & contents are similar. You have 3 kids and 1 dog and I have 3 dogs and 1 kid. Here's dropping you a note to let you know I love your papaya popsicles and will be trying out your cough remedies very soon :)