Friday, March 12, 2010

Sweet Potato Tong Shui

This is one of my favourite dessert, something light and refreshing :-) 

Sweet Potato Tong Shui
1 - 1.5 litre water
1 (approx 300g) sweet potato
20 - 25 red dates
1/2 cup dried longans
1- 2 tbsp rock sugar
some sliced ginger
some pandan leaves

  1. Peel the sweet potatoes and cut into cubes.
  2. Boil water with some pandan leaves.  When water boils, remove pandan leaves. Add red dates, sweet potato and ginger.  Let it boil again, then reduce heat and simmer for around 30 mins.
  3. Add in dried logan and rock sugar, cook for another 5 mins or till rock sugar dissolves.
  4. Serve hot or cold.


ann low said...

How I wish I can a bowl of this right now. I love the sweet potatoes and every time I had "Chng Tng" I must add extra sweet potatoes.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Ya, is true, this look sweet and light.

DG said...

Yum Yum, healthy dessert choice in any time of the day

Kitchen Corner said...

I don't have a proper recipe for a simple sweet potato tong shui, so every time got a different outcome. I think it's good to have this standardize recipe so that every time can make a good one. Thanks for sharing. Must keep this one, it looks good!

Irene said...

Yum! Yum! my fav too! will definitely try this out soon!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful and refreshing looking desert.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
*kisses* HH

tigerfish said...

It looks like Chng Tng with extra sweet potatoes :)

WendyinKK said...

Wah.. ur version is so nutritious, longans and red dates...
Mine is something more for the sweet tooth to indulge,with pandan leaves, coconut milk and palm sugar :)
Bad for health :)

MsMoon said...

That's something new to me, sweet potato soup with longans and dates. Yum Yum!(my mum only adds sliced ginger)

BH, you are right. I'm relocating to Beijing next month. Will dearly miss the food in our home country... *sobs*

MaryMoh said...

Ooooh....I love this, any time. You have my top favourite there...sweet pottaoes!

Blessed Homemaker said...

Thanks for all your kind words.

Grace, actually I don't have a specific recipe when I cook this, I just estimate but I've been lucky to get similar taste each time :)

Blessed Homemaker said...

Wendy, I've only tried this with palm sugar but not coconut milk. It must be really yummy!