Thursday, December 2, 2010

Steamed Brownie

I'm not a brownie lover, especially when we're talking about dense and dry brownies.  But when I saw this in Edith's blog, I knew I must try it as it is steamed!  Yes, you've heard me alright, steamed.

This is a very simple recipe, no fuss at all.

It doesn't taste very much like the regular store bought brownie, the texture and taste are entirely different.

Please pardon the pictures as I used natural lightings but it was a scorching hot day and the rays were too strong.  I should have adjusted the brightness level but I was plain lazy.

Steamed Brownie
Source: Magic Steamed Cake
Recipe seen here

100g butter
85g chocolate

170g castor sugar
3 eggs (large)

20g cocoa powder
170g plain flour
1 1/4 tsp double action baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda

120g chopped walnut

  1. Melt chocolate and butter over double boiler till chocolate melted. Set aside.
  2. Whisk egg with sugar till sugar dissolved. Add in cooled chocolate mixture. Mix well.
  3. Sieve C and then it to the chocolate/egg mixture.
  4. Add the walnuts.
  5. Pour into a 8" X 8" square pan (or 22 X 20cm).
  6. Steam on high for 30 mins. Set aside to cool.
  7. Coat with ganache (I omit as I was lazy again)


  1. Look very moist. Never try steamed brownies before. I'm curious to try its texture.

  2. It looks easy to make, but how is the texture and the taste, is it moist and chocolaty?

  3. I saw this fr Edith's blog too. How's the texture?

  4. Don't worry abt the lighting.
    Everybody hates taking pics of dark bakes, they always turn out overexposed. Same goes to my oreo chiffon today.

    I have a layered steamed brownie in my blog, but it uses ovalette.

  5. how was the taste? taste like a butter cake? Steam one sound not so heaty.

  6. Certainly looks very moist and chocolatey! I don;t mind steamed cakes for they tend to be more moist than baked ones but not as 'phang'(fragrant)!

  7. Saw her post too, since it is steam brownie, it must be moist, soft & delicious.

  8. Actually i also like make steam cake too.Tell you what,i will keep your recipe in to do list first.
    Chocolate is always my family favourite.

  9. hi blessed homemaker,

    The texture of these brownies indeed look quite different from the dense fudgy brownies I've encounter. Judging from the crumbs, they are somewhat fluffier. I also noticed that the amount of flour used here is higher than most recipes.

  10. Steamed brownie! Ever tried steaming before. It looks promising. Must have a try.

  11. looks moist and interesting too with the steaming..if i do this, i will also skip the ganache. thanks for sharing.

  12. steamed brownies? this really sound v interesting! :)

  13. I have never eaten steamed brownies before, but it does look good and I am intrigued to try...!

  14. Last night my hubby bought some brownies and it was so dry and not chewy. Yours looks like those what we are looking for. NICE!

  15. Never thought of steamed brownies! Goodness! By the looks of it, the texture must be different than the regular dense, fudgy brownie, eh?

    I think the pics are fine lar ... Too harsh on yourself already ... LOL!

    And, I can't believe you aren't a fan of brownies!!! I love just about any types of brownie! Fudgy and dense, cakey and lighter ... I eat them all!

  16. Thanks for all your kind comments.

    It is quite moist, I would say it's an in between of cake and baked brownie. I don't find it chcolatey enough.

    Texture is soft but unlike cake texture, not dry though.

  17. Sonia,
    Can't quite describe but it's a married between cake and brownie.

  18. Hi

    Just want to let you know, I tried this steam brownie recipe and I thought it was great, moist and not too sweet. My family and colleagues like it :)

  19. Hi Homemaker

    Can i ask if its possible to steam this cake with a wok?


  20. Hi Ash,
    Yes, as long as your pan can fit into the wok and nicely covered up.

  21. Hihi!

    Would like to check if we need to whisk the egg and sugar mixture to soft peak?

  22. No need, just mix till sugar dissolved.
