Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Deep Fried Oyster Mushrooms

Busy is the word to describe me now.  The kids started their 5 weeks long school holiday and I dread the thought of going to the supermarket with them.  And to make matters worse, my fridge konked out on me last week and I went into a frenzy.

Anyway, to cut things short, here's sharing what I've cooked weeks ago, deep fried oyster mushroom.  I was first introduced to this by my mother.  She visited Malaysia on a 1 day tour and they were brought to a Chinese restaurant for dinner.  When this dish was served, it was wiped up almost instantly, everyone at the table love this!  She bought a few premix packs from them and whenever she cooks this at home, it's always the first dish to disappear from our dinning table.  Yes, it is that good.

As far as I'm concern, I try to avoid premix as I do not know what goes into the pack.  My kids love this so I try to replicate it at home.  Well, it didn't turn out like my mom's but good enough for my kids.

Deep Fried Oyster Mushrooms
1 punnet oyster mushroom
6 tbsp rice flour
6 tbsp corn flour
1/2 tsp curry powder
1/2 tsp salt
pepper to taste
oil for deep frying

  1. Clean oyster mushroom and tear length-wise into smaller pieces, do not wash.
  2. Mix rice flour, corn flour, curry powder, salt and pepper in a bowl, mix well.
  3. Heat up your wok or deep-fryer with cooking oil.  When the oil is hot, turn to medium heat.
  4. Coat mushroom with flour mixture and fry till golden brown.
  5. Drain on paper towel and serve immediately.


  1. The ones that I tasted in JB was without curry powder, but the batter had some Thai Chilli sauce in it.
    Hey, this is deep fried right???

  2. sometimes i also would order this dish when eating outside. My family and i also love this dish very much no doubt yours.Thanks for the recipe might try out this one day too.

  3. Deep-fried? Can never resist them! I have some fresh organic mushrooms. Maybe I'll do the same.

  4. Ellerinize sağlık, çok leziz ve iştah açıcı görünüyor.


  5. oh yeah, this dish is quite popular, especially in chinese vegetarian restaurants. Just make sure that the mushrooms are fresh :)

  6. Wendy,
    You are right, there's no curry powder in the one my mom bought but I was thinking to flavor it further. I'm quite sure they have MSG in them.

  7. Wai kitt, mine's nothing like those you've tried in Malaysia. As mentioned, I try to cook this my version. I hope it's up to your expectation.

  8. Busygran, I find it so wasted to use organic food in deep fried.. So expensive, should eat them in their freshest state.

  9. Fiat Gencal,
    Thanks for visiting again.

    Swee San,
    Is it popular only in JB or across Malaysia? My parents only tried this in JB.

  10. Wendy,
    Oh yes, it's deep fried. Surprise! Hahaha
