Thursday, December 16, 2010

Prawn Fritters With Vegetables

When night falls, I have many thoughts in my mind but when I'm sitting in front of the computer, my mind goes blank.  Blogging definitely needs inspiration to keep the entry interesting.  But today, my brain needs some rest.  I've been sleeping for 4 hours daily for the past 2 months as there are simply too many chores.  No, my house is not in tip top condition but the daily marketing, cooking, washing, cleaning, laundry is enough to exhaust me.  And yes, DH is overseas again, I think I only get to see him for a week or two in a month.  With DH away, I'm taking over his chores and I'm completely exhausted by 11pm.  And when I lie on the bed at 1am - 2am (alright, I skived, I did catch some movies on cable/surf the net for some ME TIME), my brain just can't stop working, thinking of the many events that happened and what's going to happen/prepare the next day.  Then , I'm in the state of insomnia again, almost every night.  I do not know what time I fall asleep but I will be awaken by DD3 for feed at least once and by 7am, the whole family is awake.

I initially thought this will be a short and quick entry but it took me almost 2 hours to complete.  Gosh, better stop now and get my butt moving, need to walk the dog.

Prawn Fritters With Vegetable Recipe
Recipe by Anncoo

100g prawns
1 onion - shredded (I used small onions)
1 small Carrot - grated or cut to thin match sticks
some finely cut spring onion or coriander leaves
Some salt and pepper

For the Batter
1 Egg yolk with enough water to make 150ml
3/4 cup Plain flour
1 1/2 tbsp Rice flour


    1. Remove shell and vein from prawns then cut to cubes not too small. Season with some pepper and salt.
    2. Combine the batter ingredients together in a measuring cup and blend into a smooth texture paste.
    3. Add enough oil (its usually sunflower/corn oil in my pantry) for shallow frying with two drops of sesame oil in wok.
    1.  In a medium bowl add prawn cubes, grated carrot, shredded onions and spring onion together.
    1. Then add about 2-3 tbsp of batter (not too thick) into the prawn mixture.
    2. Drop the coated prawn mixture in small portion into hot oil gently with a fork and spoon and shallow fry till golden brown. Dish up and drain oil well.
    3. Serve with mayonnaise or dipping sauce.


    1. Now I know that you really conquered it :)
      So happy for you.

      More frying soon to come, I suppose :)

    2. these look really good- I make crab cakes every once in awhile so this will be a fun recipe to try!

    3. I love this kind of fritters, and best to dip with sweet chili dipping sauce, yummy!

    4. Hey,actually it also does happen to me too what ever the chores you had mentioned in your post here. I only could blog when my 2 sons are in their sleep.Most of the time i wake up 5 or 5.30am to just to preparation.Housewife actually are more tiring than office lady.

    5. I love this too, yummy snacks!

    6. Hi Blessed Homemaker,
      I'm so glad your kids enjoyed this dish.
      Take care ((HUG))& Merry Christmas

    7. I totally agree with you, the only time i can sit on the computer table is when everyone is sleeping. That's explain why i look so hagger and got thick pandan eyes. My hubby doesn't like to do housework and it's a must to cook three dishes and a soup per day. It's so tiring. :( How i wish i coulg get to eat the prawn fritters with veg.

      Due to health problem, my DH cannot take seafood and less chicken.So i never post any food recipes in my blog.

    8. Your prawn fritters are better shaped than mine but it's a nice dish.

    9. My helper also does this with shredded cabbage and corn as well, yums!! Keep up the good work being a SAHM. I know it's really the hardest job in the world!!! esp. the grocery shopping with kids part!

    10. BH, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family!

    11. Mmmm...lobe those fritters. Looks irresistible. I love vegetable fritters especially with prawns added. Would be so good dipped in chilli sauce....yuuummm. happy Holidays!

    12. Wendy,
      Hahaha! Yes, I've conquered! But no, not going to do too much deep frying, must take care of cholesterol level.

      Crab cakes sounds interesting.

    13. Sonia,
      Yes, it's so yummy with sweet chilli! I ate mine with Thai sweet chilli, yummy!

      Wai Kitt,
      I'm so glad you understand! Not many of my friends/peers do and they always think sahms are very free **eyes rolling**

    14. DG, Ann, YummyKoh, Jess

      Another soul-mate! Thanks!

    15. Karen,
      Cabbage and corn sounds good, will try that next time. Thanks!
