Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Quick Plum Sauce Chicken

Pardon my disappearing act as I've been really busy.  School holidays started in late May and I've got 3 monsters at home 24/7.  It is a chore to have them home, creating havoc and driving me up the wall.  It is worst when I have to do marketing, imagine lugging 3 young kids to the supermarket.  A simple 30 mins trip turned into an hour or more.  Oh well, that's life.  I choose to have 3 kids so I'm not complaining.  Just have to grit my teeth for these few years.  On a happier note, we have just returned from a 5 days trip to Malaysia :-)

Here's sharing a dish that my family likes, Plum Sauce Chicken.  I've been cooking this quick and simple dish whenever I run out of ideas.

The meat is very tender and it taste great with plum sauce. However, DH doesn't appreciate the wine in it so I've reduced the quantity by 2/3.  Feel free to add more wine if your family enjoys it.

Quick Sour Plum Sauce Chicken
Adapted from Mary Moh, with slight modifications

Ingredients A
14 mid-joint chicken wings
1.5 Tablespoon plum sauce
2.5 Tablespoon tomato sauce
2.5 Tablespoon soya sauce
3/4 Tablespoon sugar
1 Tablespoon rice wine
3/4 Tablespoon oyster sauce
250ml water

Ingredients B (thickening) - optional
1 Tablespoon corn flour
60ml water

  1. Mix ingredients A together in a pot and boil for 30 mins.
  2. For a thicken sauce, mix 1 tablespoon corn flour with 60ml water.  Mix well and pour into the pot of chicken.  Mix well and let it boil again to thicken the sauce. Turn off the fire and serve immediately.


  1. I started missing Malaysia food really bad this week, and my sister have been sending me pictures of dinner my mother cooked at home... I am so going to make this soon!

    I have some questions if you don't mind. Is plum sauce the kinds can be use for dipping? Tomato sauce is ketchup? :D

  2. Somehow, I also do not like the taste of rice wine. Mature Shao Xing wine taste smoother to me.
    The combination of plum sauce and tomato sauce in this sounds good. I'll hope to try this out one day.

  3. What a simple yet delicious dish... Thks for sharing ^_^

  4. Looks delicious! A great idea to use plum sauce...will try this soon!

  5. It looks so delicious and make me feel so hungry now.May have difficulty getting the plum sauce in the US. Will check it out this weekend at the oriental shop here.

  6. I'm with you on that in 6 days lol. School will be out for summer then and all 3 will be at home. The difference here thankfully is that my husband does all of the shopping! Anyhoo, this recipe is definitely one my family will love, thanks for sharing!

  7. Ah Yng,
    Thanks for visiting. I tried leaving you a msg in your blog to no avail.

    Anyway, I do hope you'll like this dish. Yes, it's a dipping sauce.


  8. Wendy,
    I only have rice and ginger wine at home :P

    Hope you'll like this dish.

  9. Hmm, I'm sorry you had trouble at my blog, I'm not sure why it does that... But, most importantly is now I know which sauce to look for to make this dish, thank you very much! :)

  10. Ah Yng,
    I think the problem lies with blogger as I'm also having problems leaving message in others.

    Echo's Kitchen,
    Thanks for dropping by.

  11. Hi blessed home maker,

    I tried this dish but the colour is not as dark as your dish. Did you use dark sauce or light sauce? Thank you for your reply.


  12. Hi Blessed Homemaker,
    Can I know what brand of sour plum sauce you use?
    I just bought the Woh Hup one and realised it contains chili! Not sure if my kids will be able to take the bits of chili in it, but will be trying it out tonight anyway.


  13. Mabel,
    I used light sauce but found the colour too light so I use a mixture of dark and light sauce.

    I bought Lee Kum Kee but I'm sure you can use Woh Hup since the usage of plum sauce is only 1.5 tbsp.
